ICES Thames Cruise - 12 July 2018
Posted by Steve Thomas on Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Join us as we sponsor our 2nd annual ICES River Thames cruise for a pleasant evening for socialising and networking.
Following the popularity of past networking cruises, the SE Regional Committee request the pleasure of your company aboard the Mercedes for an evening of socialising and networking, whilst enjoying a cruise of the River Thames. In organising this cruise, the Committee hope to give something back to their members, friends and affiliates, and to extend some hospitality and the spirit of the institution to the membership and guests.
A complementary finger buffet will be provided and drinks can be purchased from the cash bar onboard (payment by PDQ machine is a minimum of £10 spend).
Embark: Westminster Pier
Disembark: (there will be an additional stop at Tower Pier at 8.30pm for those wishing to disembark earlier)
Sponsors: SCCS and Maxim
Venue: River Thames