Working In Algeria
A Profile On What To Expect When Working In Algeria
The following information may be of help in deciding whether you would be interested in a quantity surveying or construction job based in Algeria.
The currency in Algeria is Algerian Dinars with an exchange rate of 10DZD = £0.08GBP or £10GBP = 1329 DZD. (Correct as at June 2005) The latest exchange rates and currency conversions can be obtained by clicking here.
Political/ Economic Climate
Algeria is a vast country but more than four-fifths of it lies in the Sahara desert and the main centres of population are in the north. The estimated population of Algeria is 31.8 million, roughly half that of the UK. Algeria’s main exports are oil and gas: the country is the world’s second largest natural gas exporter. The great majority of the population (99%) is Sunni Muslim, which is the state religion.
Thursday and Friday make up the weekend. Ramadan, which takes place at a different time each year on the Western calendar, is strictly adhered to throughout the country. This means that eating, drinking or smoking in public from sunrise to sunset is frowned upon. The customs and standards of acceptable behaviour in Algeria may be considered conservative in relation to the more liberal attitudes in the West, but as an expatriate employee you will be expected to abide by these local customs in public places.
Maxim Recruitment can not offer any type of financial, taxation or immigration/visa advice to current or intending jobseekers, however we are aware of some organisations that are specialists in offering expatriates such advice.
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